Nous avons le plaisir de vous faire part de la récente publication de Francis Fogue dans la Revue Studia Politica. L'article intitulé "Economie politique de la presse écrite écrite au Nord-Cameroun postcolonial" propose une analyse de la contribution des médias dans la compétition politique en cours au Nord-Cameroun entre Foulbe ét Kirdi depuis l'ouverture des questions démocratiques survenue en 1990. S'appuyant sur L'Hamattan et L'Oeil du Sahel, l'auteur démontre comment la presse constitue un cadre privilégié de révendication et de positionnement politiques au Nord-Cameroun.
"The Political Economy of the Written Press in Postcolonial Northern Cameroon"
This paper seeks to address the political participation of the press in the Northern Cameroon after the beginning of the democratic process which led to the institutionalization of freedom of speech in 1990. Through a Political Economy of Communication perspective, it aims at focusing on L'Harmattan and L'OEil du Sahel -which are the main newspapers in Northern Cameroon- to question the political capital of the press in this area where there is an hegemonic competition between ethno-tribal communities. The paper provides a venue to unveil the contribution of L'Harmattan and L'OEil du Sahel to rivalries between elites in sight of their positioning on the political chessboard at local and national levels. It arises from the analysis of the publications of those newspapers that they have a partisan position in the political opposition between the Fulbe who are Muslims and the Kirdi who are non-Muslims. L'Harmattan supports the first while L'OEil du Sahel has affinities with the others.
F.A. Fogue Kuate, "Economie politique de la presse écrite écrite au Nord-Cameroun postcolonial", Studia Politica: Romanian Political Science Review. 2015, Vol. 15 Issue 2, pp. 265-287.
A découvrir aussi
- L’Afrique francophone entre banalité et tutelle financières : diagnostic d’un malaise et esquisse de solutions
- Publication de Francis Fogue dans le N°4 de la revue Dynamiques Internationales (Mai 2011)
- Co-publication de Francis Fogue et Amina Djouldé sur la presse satirique francophone au Cameroun